Gula Semut Semedo Manise


Who we are

Semedo Manise is one of the best coconut sugar suppliers in Indonesia, with good cooperation from our farmers and marketing partners, we have many variations of processed products, including:


dengan berbagai variasi seperti gula kelapa kencur, ekstrak daun sirsak, ekstrak kunyit, jahe, kayu manis, rempah-rempah dengan kemasan


Made from old coconuts produced naturally using a centrifugal system, without heating and without adding chemicals.


Natural & Healthy

Our coconut sugar is natural, in the process it does not add additional medicinal chemicals. Our coconut sugar is also pure natural, that is, the raw material is taken from the sap tapped from coconut trees grown on free land without a mixture of chemicals and has been proven with an organic certificate.

Our History

We collaborate to collaborate with more than 1000 farmers in Semedo village and its surroundings by synergizing a better life, to be able to produce the best organic and natural products that are modern and of international quality standards.

Our Company’s commitment to contribute to the social and economic environment is a responsibility for a better life. many people have the hope of having a good life and we are here for them. We are committed to building sustainable agriculture and the environment.